Although I've taken a long time actually getting down to doing it, I would like to respond to this self righteous piece of tripe, if only to give me something to do so i can appear busy while actually procrastinating at work. All consideration shall be given to the fact that it has probably been written while suffering the pangs of unrequited love, and in an attempt to lash out in the proverbial sour grapes manner. However, on behalf of all members of my sex, this is an affront that just cannot be allowed to pass so easily.
And off we go.
The “one never knows what women mean or think or feel” bit is not a novelty. Of course the reason men feel that way is probably because they’re too busy doing something else instead of actually paying attention to what is being said, because most women certainly don’t talk in any sort of alien language, but that’s just one of those things that constitute the vast difference between men and women, so I’ll just let that one pass without too much comment. Interpreting it would be about as interesting as trying to figure out the logistics of why fried eggs will not stick to a Teflon coated pan. I do not however abide with insinuations that women don't set store by basic values such as like honesty, transparency, selflessness and the like, or that they are in the habit of going back on their word. I'm not saying all men are rotters, but I have found that they are far more likely to betray trust, and, in addition, are adept at circumventing all criticism on the issue by constituting their own interpretations of the self same concepts so that they can deny having violated them with wide eyed innocence. This in turn explains why I personally have such little regard for a "man's word", because sadly, it means something only to him.
As for the jibe about the purity of a woman’s love, methinks it would make quite a revealing excursion into the minds of men to see how “cheap” and “superficial” they can get. The "practicality" of their professed emotions is often quite disquieting, if you know what I mean.
It is evident that most of the so called concerns highlighted stem from an injured male ego, and that it is preferable to the person in question to be subjected to the “cheap act” that he has just spent the past few moments decrying, rather than to face the ignominy of outright rejection. Why then does he go through the motions of objecting to it, and waste the time of his readers by subjecting them to a tirade such as this?
And finally a word to the author of that article. Its always bitchy unless you're doing it. Think about the mistakes you've made in your dealings with others before you embark on playing the high priest of the blogosphere.
Until next time, and I'm almost certain there will be one, adios.
I've suffered from all of the hang-ups known, and none is as bad as the telephone.