I regret deleting my old blog. Somehow, the people there were different. They actually cared. Even if they didn't, they pretended to. And that's what made the blog tick, made me feel like writing. There's nobody here who cares. I wonder why.
The comment made by my esteemed co author on the previous post has made me curious - what DO the people who visit this blog care about?
You don't care for reviews, ergo you aren't interested in sampling varied books or movies, social, developmental or civic issues are an apparent no no, you don't care about plays or other such so called "yo" activities, you don't see beyond your own selfish needs and means, and beyond your secluded localities, so any talk of anything away from these is not acceptable, so what do you care about?
Tell me. I'd like to know.
I've suffered from all of the hang-ups known, and none is as bad as the telephone.